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In collaboration with the NJ Department of Health, the FXB Center is one of the local organizations implementing the Fetal & Infant Mortality Review (FIMR)-HIV Prevention Methodology in the community. The goal of the FIMR-HIV Prevention Methodology is to improve perinatal HIV and congenital syphilis prevention systems by using the FIMR case review and community action process. The methodology provides an in-depth look at the health, social, economic, cultural, safety, and education systems that result in congenital syphilis or perinatal HIV exposure or transmission by collecting comprehensive quantitative and qualitative data, via medical record abstraction and maternal interview. The use of the methodology was expanded statewide in 2022.


Case Review Team (CRT)

  • The Case Review Team (CRT) consists of multidisciplinary team members representing a broad range of providers, institutions, community advocates, professional organizations, and private agencies that provide services for women, infants and families. During regularly scheduled reviews of cases, the CRT identifies strengths in the care provided to the mother, opportunities for improvements to care, and general systems issues. After reviewing cases, the CRT creates recommendations to improve systems.

Community Action Team (CAT)

  • The Community Action Team (CAT) initiates systems change based on findings from the community’s CRT. The CAT includes representatives who are familiar with maternal care and barriers, and who have influence over maternal and child health systems. In July 2023, the CAT developed an action plan. Activities outlined in the action plan are being executed by agencies statewide. The CAT meets biannually in-person and virtually.

For additional information, visit Tools on congenital syphilis prevention for providers and community members were developed and include available resources in NJ. They can be downloaded from the NJDOH website. To order free printed copies, please contact Liz Lazo at


Joanne Simone, RN, MS
Education Specialist