The FXB Center’s HIV Clinical Quality Management (CQM) Program provides chart abstractions and provider training to support City of Newark-funded Ryan White Part A programs and the statewide Ryan White Part B agencies funded by the New Jersey Department of Health in providing uniform and high-quality HIV care.
HIV Clinical Quality Management (CQM) Program

The CQM program uses a collaborative, multi-professional approach to ensure the highest level of care is provided to Ryan White clients through chart abstraction, data analysis, and outcome reporting. These results form the basis for continuous quality improvement (CQI) projects. Agencies are coached and trained on applying CQM/CQI principles to improve healthcare. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Core Clinical Performance Measures for Adults and Adolescents and Medical Case Management standards underpin the guidelines for these reviews and training programs.
The data findings from the chart abstractions are presented and reviewed with site staff at the center level and funders. It is presented at state-wide network committee meetings and CQI trainings. This information forms the basis for individual, eligible metropolitan area (EMA) and statewide quality improvement projects. The goal is to ensure that the needs of the target patient population are met by implementing continuous quality improvement strategies.
The Quality Management team:
- Conducts annual chart abstraction reviews of the Ryan White Part A agencies in the Newark EMA and Part B centers across New Jersey.
- Collects data on a variety of performance measures defined by HRSA-HAB, including HIV outpatient ambulatory care, medical case management, non-medical case management, oral health, nutrition services, and psychosocial programs.
- Analyzes data, evaluates findings, and reports outcomes to agencies, centers, and funders.
- Supports agency-initiated quality improvement strategies using process improvement methodologies such as Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) and Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) to incorporate change.
- Facilitates quarterly statewide network committee meetings with state representatives to review data, foster collaboration, and provide continuing education and coaching as needed.
- Provides education to the City of Newark-funded Ryan White Part A stakeholders on the basic principles of continuous quality management. The CQM Team supports NEMA-wide projects and projects developed by individual agencies.
Heidi Haiken, MSW, MPH, LCSW
Program Director, Quality Management